Dr Maria Montessori states, "The most important period of life is not at the age of University studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six."
As Montessori points out, the period from birth to six years is the most important year. This Pandemic has brought in obstacle in the process of the formative years. However, we should realize that the child has not stopped experiencing from whatever he is exposed to.
So, what did my Child learn during the Pandemic ?
"Learning to learn is Education" The child has dealt with various aspects while observing his parents carrying out their day to day activities and the child Learnt to learn by performing the same activities as an exercise in his life.
While all of us are Thinking Positive and take precautions to avoid Testing Positive in the Pandemic, THE CHILD also has a Positive approach on planning his day to day activities, in spite of his school being closed. The development in the child is a continuous process, it has no limits. Be it the family, neighbourhood or school, the child is constructing himself in all these environments. He did not stop cutting vegetables ,washing utensils, mopping floors, just because the school remained close. These activities weren't a hindsight for him, it was something which he banked upon, to keep himself engaged and active through the day. Children are very independent in choosing their activities, irrespective of whether or not you have provided a prepared environment designed for them. I always feel that, “The Child is the busiest worker, much like ants.. ”
Looking at the technical aspect of learning - the child has learnt many things, for example: How to wear a mask, how to wash hands often, use sanitizer, social distancing and so on. The question is, “Did the child seek for any help to wash his hands or to sanitize?” Of course not! You wished to do it for him and he threw tantrums. The child wishes for freedom to do these activities himself. Let the child learn through his experiences and failures, avoid being that help which he is no more interested in! “Value of Freedom to the child is as good as, value of money for an adult.”
If we look at the Social development of the child, he noticed people helping the needy, doctors helping patients, police helping citizens and soldiers protecting the country, where the whole nation stood united to fight against the Pandemic. These act as examples for the child, such as, sharing, nurturing nature, working in groups, communicating, coordinating between different kinds of work, respect for other's feelings and so on.
Parents, should initially focus on what the child NEEDS, rather what he WANTS and for this you should be Empathetic to your child. "The child NEEDS your time, he doesn't WANT a toy to keep him isolated." Spending an hour with the child can make his day count and this is an Opportunity for You to have an austere experience being with children.
The child has gained rich experience of culture, belief, tradition and most importantly quality time of kinship with the family, which no school can supersede, in its completeness that relationship fosters. I am sure that I will hear a lot about our Prime Minister, Soldiers, Doctors, Police and so, once the children walk into the school. Now the child knows that there is a person to lead our country and look after us, as his father/mother take care of him, is also a part of social development. The child thus witnesses the ability of other people to lead groups and keep them together in moments of trouble.
These are all something which the child has learnt in the Pandemic. It's an eye opening moment for those who notice such developments, and this is possible for those who are Child oriented, Child centered and Child Conscious. This is the power of those Magical Eyes. However, if the parents are only concerned if the child is able to read or write, do arithmetical operations, or name some colours and that by comparing your child with another who can perform those skills, we assume that he has learnt everything. No! It's a fallacy...these are skills that he can acquire at any point of time in his life. However. experiencing failures, success, controlling his emotions, developing stability, communication, attitude and behaviour are something which supports him and helps him grow as a responsible MAN in the society. This is the most important Contribution of the Child to the World. "Today, every adult who is busy functioning in the life they desire to live, was once a Child who continuously worked on his Capacities to find himself today." This forms a part of the child’s Personality which acts as an Engine to help him run the rest of his life!
We are here to celebrate Individuality, what may be sufficient for me, may not be sufficient for others. what is necessary for me might not be necessary to everyone. Having said that, I wish the Adult Community would be empathetic to the needs of the child, realizing that each child has his own Cosmic task and that the experiences in the Formative years (0-6) has a huge impact on one's life.
I feel Pandemic has bought in a sense of bonding between the parents and children in the family.
“Need of a child is the deed of a parent”.